Author: Könyvtáros

Christelle Dabos: Rejtélyes eltűnések a holdvilágban (A tükörjáró 2.)

Ez egy remek regény, mert
– megalapozottan része egy regényciklusnak, nem csak azért, hogy többet hozzon a konyhára, vagyis
– a cselekményszerkezet mutat tervszerűséget (van neki olyan)
– elég egyedi a világa
– határozottan jobb, mint az első könyv, itt már nem csak az udvari intrikák kapnak szerepet, kezdjük látni a nagyobb képet is
– a mellékszereplői jól sikerültek…

Lucy Strange: A fülemüleerdő titka

Lucy Strange könyve jó példa arra, hogy érdemes YA könyveket olvasni felnőtt fejjel is, mert gyönyörűen végiggázol az ember lelkén, hogy aztán egy rózsaszín naplementébe tekintve az ember rájöjjön, hogy mégis van remény, újra lehet kezdeni, fel lehet állni a legnagyobb bánat mélyéről is.

A History of Drinking: The Scottish Pub since 1700

What did Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, Dorothy Wordsworth, James Hogg and Robert Southey have in common? They all toured Scotland and left accounts of their experiences in Scottish inns, ale houses, taverns and hotels. Similarly, poets and writers from Robert Burns and Walter Scott to Ian Rankin and Irvine Welsh have left vivid descriptions of the pleasures and pains of Scottish drinking places. Pubs also provided public spaces for occupational groups to meet, for commercial transactions, for literary and cultural activities and for everyday life and work rituals such as births, marriages and deaths and events linked with the agricultural year.

Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time: The Occult in Pre-Modern Sciences, Medicine, Literature, Religion, and Astrology

There are no clear demarcation lines between magic, astrology, necromancy, medicine, and even sciences in the pre-modern world. Under the umbrella term’magic,’the contributors to this volume examine a wide range of texts, both literary and religious, both medical and philosophical, in which the topic is discussed from many different perspectives. The fundamental concerns address issue such as how people perceived magic, whether they accepted it and utilized it for their own purposes, and what impact magic might have had on the mental structures of that time.

Beyond Boycotts : Sport During the Cold War in Europe

Sport during Cold War has recently begun to be studied in more depth. Some scholars have edited a book about the US and Soviet sport diplomacy and show ow the government of these two countries have used sport during this period, notably as a tool of’soft power’during the Olympic games. Our goal is to continue in this direction and to focus more on the sport field as a place of exchanges during the Cold War. Regarding this point, our aim is to show that there were events’beyond boycotts’many and that unknown connections existed inside sport.

Jerusalem Throne Games: The Battle of Bible Stories After the Death of David

Presents an individual and thought-provoking exploration of who wrote the Bible (or, indeed Bibles), re-examining the documented evidence for possible individual authors set against the personal, religious, economic and political background of the period of its compilation.

Bittersweet Brexit: The Future of Food, Farming, Land and Labour

Although widely criticised and hugely wasteful, The Common Agricultural Policy did at least afford British farmers a degree of support. Post-Brexit, that support will vanish – to be replaced with a woefully misconceived agricultural export drive that cannot possibly deliver. Bittersweet Brexit suggests a solution: paying workers decent wages in the agricultural sector could radically transform the nature of farming in Britain. It would improve yields, increase sustainability and ensure greater self-sufficiency at a time when food security is becoming a vital issue. This scenario provides a progressive, forward-thinking and optimistic future for food and farming in Britain, which, unlike many other industries, is currently being ignored.

Emma Bloomwealth: Amerikai álom, nem luxuskivitelben : kivándorló nők és anyák a 21. században

A szerző maga is elsőgenerációs kivándorló, aki a riportkönyvével azokat szeretné segíteni, aki azon gondolkodnak, hogy Amerikában kezdenek új életet. Nők és anyák igaz történetein keresztül mutatja be, hogy mi vár rájuk, milyen tapasztalataik és nehézségeik voltak, és felhívja a figyelmet arra is, hogy nincsenek egyedül. Érdekes és manapság aktuális olvasmány.