Kategória: Művészet

Why Architects Still Draw

Why would an architect reach for a pencil when drawing software and AutoCAD are a click away? Use a ruler when 3D-scanners and GPS devices are close at hand? In Why Architects Still Draw, Paolo Belardi offers an elegant and ardent defense of drawing by hand as a way of thinking. Belardi is no Luddite; he doesn’t urge architects to give up digital devices for watercolors and a measuring tape. Rather, he makes a case for drawing as the interface between the idea and the work itself. A drawing, Belardi argues, holds within it the entire final design.

The Flower of Empire : An Amazonian Water Lily, The Quest to Make It Bloom, and the World It Created

In 1837, while charting the Amazonian country of Guiana for Great Britain, German naturalist Robert Schomburgk discovered an astounding’vegetable wonder’–a huge water lily whose leaves were five or six feet across and whose flowers were dazzlingly white. In The Flower of Empire, Tatiana Holway tells the story of this magnificent lily, revealing how it touched nearly every aspect of Victorian life, art, and culture. Holway’s colorful narrative captures the sensation stirred by Victoria regia in England, particularly the intense race among prominent Britons to be the first to coax the flower to bloom.

Frank Zöllner: Leonardo da Vinci : 1452-1519 : összes festménye és rajza

Ez a hatalmas és csodálatos könyv három részből áll: az elsőben 10 fejezetre bontva mutatja be Leonardo életét és munkásságát levelei, naplója és egyéb írásai alapján, a második rész műveinek teljes katalógusa, fennmaradt és elveszett alkotásainak leírása, a harmadik rész pedig művészi rajzait tartalmazza.