Kategória: Életmód

Player and Avatar : The Affective Potential of Videogames

Do you make small leaps in your chair while attempting challenging jumps in Tomb Raider? Do you say’Ouch!’when a giant hits you with a club in Skyrim? Have you had dreams of being inside the underwater city of Rapture? Videogames cast the player as protagonist in an unfolding narrative. Like actors in front of a camera, gamers’proprioception, or body awareness, can extend to onscreen characters, thus placing them’physically’within the virtual world. Players may even identify with characters’ideological motivations.

Hari Kunzru: A kaméleon

A történet színhelye és vázolt társadalmi közege egyébként kuriózum, a mi máshoz szokott világunk számára. Rettentően érdekes. Csak a leírással bajlódom. De majdcsak belejövök. Sűrű szövésű történet. Roppant érdekes. Tipikusan az a fajta, amelyikre azt mondom, újra elő fogom venni. Rengeteget lehet belőle tanulni a helyi kultúráról.

A History of Drinking: The Scottish Pub since 1700

What did Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, Dorothy Wordsworth, James Hogg and Robert Southey have in common? They all toured Scotland and left accounts of their experiences in Scottish inns, ale houses, taverns and hotels. Similarly, poets and writers from Robert Burns and Walter Scott to Ian Rankin and Irvine Welsh have left vivid descriptions of the pleasures and pains of Scottish drinking places. Pubs also provided public spaces for occupational groups to meet, for commercial transactions, for literary and cultural activities and for everyday life and work rituals such as births, marriages and deaths and events linked with the agricultural year.

Beyond Boycotts : Sport During the Cold War in Europe

Sport during Cold War has recently begun to be studied in more depth. Some scholars have edited a book about the US and Soviet sport diplomacy and show ow the government of these two countries have used sport during this period, notably as a tool of’soft power’during the Olympic games. Our goal is to continue in this direction and to focus more on the sport field as a place of exchanges during the Cold War. Regarding this point, our aim is to show that there were events’beyond boycotts’many and that unknown connections existed inside sport.

Shark Attacks: Myths, Misunderstandings and Human Fear

Humans spend more time in or on the water than ever before. We love the beach. But for many people, getting in the water provokes a moment’s hesitation. Shark attacks are big news events and although the risk of shark attack on humans is incredibly low, the fact remains that human lives are lost to sharks every year. Shark Attacks explores the tension between risk to humans and the need to conserve sharks and protect the important ecological roles they play in our marine environments.

Play to Learn : Everything You Need to Know About Designing Effective Learning Games

When trainers use games, learners win big. As a trainer interested in game design, you know that games are more effective than lectures. You’ve seen firsthand how immersive games hold learners’interest, helping them explore new skills and experience different points of view. But how do you become the Milton Bradley of learning games? Play to Learn is here to help.

Emma Bloomwealth: Amerikai álom, nem luxuskivitelben : kivándorló nők és anyák a 21. században

A szerző maga is elsőgenerációs kivándorló, aki a riportkönyvével azokat szeretné segíteni, aki azon gondolkodnak, hogy Amerikában kezdenek új életet. Nők és anyák igaz történetein keresztül mutatja be, hogy mi vár rájuk, milyen tapasztalataik és nehézségeik voltak, és felhívja a figyelmet arra is, hogy nincsenek egyedül. Érdekes és manapság aktuális olvasmány.