Kategória: Életmód

Caroline Criado-Perez: Láthatatlan nők

Perez nem tesz mást, mint fogja a nők (a mi) életünknek legjellemzőbb területeit, legyen az házimunka, szülés, gyereknevelés, munka, család ellátása, illetve a mindennapi élet velejáróit nők és férfiak számára egyaránt, úgy mint a közlekedés vagy a mosdóhasználat, és számadatokra (vagy azok hiányára) alapozva megmutatja, hogyan kerülünk mi, nők, sokszor akár minden jó szándék ellenére is, hátrányba.

Sustainable Happiness : Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference

We’re bombarded by messages telling us that bigger and better things are the keys to happiness—but after we pile up the stuff and pile on the work hours, we end up exhausted and broke on a planet full of trash. Sarah van Gelder and her colleagues at YES! Magazine have been exploring the meaning of real happiness for eighteen years.

Hitting Pause : 65 Lecture Breaks to Refresh and Reinforce Learning

Pauses constitute a simple technique for enlivening and enhancing the effectiveness of lectures, or indeed of any form of instruction, whether a presentation or in an experiential setting. This book presents the evidence and rationale for breaking up lectures into shorter segments by using pauses to focus attention, reinforce key points, and review learning. It also provides 65 adaptable pause ideas to use at the opening of class, mid-way through, or as closers.

Food and Museums

Museums of all kinds – art, history, culture, science centers and heritage sites – are actively engaging with food through exhibitions, collections, and stories about food production, consumption, history, taste, and aesthetics. Food also plays a central role in their food courts, restaurants, cafes, gardens, and gift shops. Food and Museums is the first book to explore the diverse, complex relationship between museums and food.

Sárvári György: Intuitív út : az ugrás szabadsága

A könyv visszatérés az álmainkhoz, az eredethez, a lelkünk mélyén rejlő őserőhöz, a mély-énünkhöz. Oknyomozó kutatás, amely során egy a fontos: hogyan válhatunk úgy önmagunkká, hogy levetve rabláncainkat teret engedjünk magunkban annak a szabadságnak, amit mindig is kerestünk.

America’s Favorite Holidays

America’s Favorite Holidays explores how five of America’s culturally important holidays—Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving—came to be what they are today, seasonal and religious celebrations heavily influenced by modern popular culture. Deftly distilling information from a wide range of sources, Bruce David Forbes reveals often-surprising answers to questions about each holiday’s traditions.

Who Needs Books? : Reading in the Digital Age

„We look around and feel as if book culture as we know it is crumbling to dust, but there’s one important thing to keep in mind: as we know it.” What happens if we separate the idea of’the book’from the experience it has traditionally provided? Lynn Coady challenges booklovers addicted to the physical book to confront their darkest fears about the digital world and the future of reading. Is the all-pervasive internet turning readers into web-surfing automatons and books themselves into museum pieces? The bogeyman of technological change has haunted humans ever since Plato warned about the dangers of the written word, and every generation is convinced its youth will bring about the end of civilization.