Kategória: Történelem

Dracula : Essays on the Life and Times of Vlad the Impaler

This book includes a wide range of studies on the life and times of Vlad III Dracula by leading historians and scholars from around the world. It presents a diversity of viewpoints, allowing the reader to understand the different historical perspectives with which Vlad is viewed in modern historiography. It also includes a wealth of supplementary materials, essential for anyone interested in learning about the life of Vlad the Impaler: translations of important documents concerning his reign; a genealogy of the family of Vlad the Impaler, translations from Turkish and Byzantine chronicles referring to the controversial Wallachian prince; a chronology, and an extensive bibliography of works on the life and times of Vlad the Impaler.

Ladies of Lascaris : Christina Ratcliffe and The Forgotten Heroes of Malta’s War

The world premiere of the musical stage play „Star of Strait Street” took place in Valletta on 4 April 2017. It celebrates the life of Christina Ratcliffe, an English singer, and dancer who became an aircraft plotter in Malta in the Second World War. She worked in the underground Royal Air Force operational headquarters beneath Lascaris Bastion in Valletta. This is Christina’s story and that of other British and Maltese girls employed by the RAF. It is also the story of Philip Glassborow’s hit musical „Star of Strait Street”.


The book reveals the story of British Codebreakers from the reign of Elizabeth I to the Cold War. It explores the use of ciphers during the Napoleonic wars, the role of the Royal Mail’s Secret Office and the activities the Admiralty’s ‘Room 40’leading to the creation of the Government’s Code and Cypher School. The main theme of the book are the events of the Second World War and the battle to break the German enigma codes.

Leningrad 1943 : Inside a City Under Siege

The Siege of Leningrad is the most powerful testimony to the immeasurable cruelty and horror of World War II. From 1941-1945, the Eastern Front was the site of some of the bloodiest atrocities of the war and the city of Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, proved to be a decisive point in the conflict. German policy was resolutely determined to redraw the map of Europe, annihilate the Soviet Union and give large areas of territory to Finland. Through Hitler’s ambition to completely eradicate the city and its entire population, it was decided that the most efficient method of invasion was to encircle and bombard the city into submission. After 872 days of aggression, one and a half million people lost their lives, mostly from starvation.

Simonovics Ildikó: Rotschild Klára – A vörös divatdiktátor

Rotschild Klára szalonja már a két világháború között fogalommá vált. A Horthy-kor arisztokratáit, valamint a Kádár-korszak nagyasszonyait is öltöztette. Simonovics Ildikó divattörténészként hiteles forrásokkal együtt izgalmas betekintést kínál a Rotschild-ruhák mögötti világba, és megkísérli megválaszolni, mi volt Rotschild Klára sikerének titka.

Arthur Brand: Hitler lovai

A Hitler lovait ajánljuk mindenkinek, aki szereti a művészettörténettel vagy második világháborúval foglalkozó regényeket, akik úgy érzik, titkon bennük is ott van egy Indiana Jones vagy egy Robert Langdon, de azok is kellemes olvasási élményként könyvelhetik majd a regényt, akik egy rövid és izgalmas történetre vágynak, amit egy rövid vakáció alatt kellemesen be is tudnak fejezni.

Szécsi Noémi: Lányok és asszonyok aranykönyve

Ugyanakkor Szécsi Noémi legújabb kötete egy rendkívül tudatosan strukturált, kompakt vállalkozás, amely különböző (szöveg)források – korabeli regények, naplók, levéltári anyagok, visszaemlékezések – fúziója. Mindezek segítségével a szerző az Előszó után következő öt fejezetben, kronologikus sorrendben, a nők életszakaszainak leginkább testfókuszú vizsgálatát, illetve bemutatását végzi el, főként a termékenységre fókuszálva: Lányok teste; A test mint házassági tőke; Anyák teste; Test és lélek; Asszonyok teste. Emellett más témák is előkerülnek, többek közt a korszakbeli házasodási szokások, a teherbeesés problémái, mint a meddőség, a szüléssel járó testi (el)változás, valamint a fiatalság megőrzésének nehézségei is.

Royal Love Stories : The Tales Behind the Real-Life Romances of Europe’s Kings & Queens

Historically, many royal marriages have represented the unions of dynasties, with true engagements of the heart notable for their rarity. Yet royal couples could fall in love, and this book is full of surprises, from the undying love that the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, felt for his Tsarina, to the unlikely love that flourished between Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Amongst them, too, are less happy loves of Crown Prince Rudolph for his 17-year-old lover, Countess Mary Vetsera, or, in the 1940s, of the Prince of Sweden, refused consent to marry the girl he loved she only became his princess over 30 years later.

America in the Age of Trump : A Bipartisan Guide

America in the Age of Trump is a bracing, essential look at the failure of a great nation to meet the needs of its people and the challenges of the age—and the resulting collapse of public trust in government, as well as a pervasive crisis of national values, from broken families to a loss of faith in the American idea itself. This crisis of values occurs just as the country faces an unprecedented array of fiscal, economic, social, and national-security challenges: out-of-control federal spending, frighteningly large deficits, massive gaps of income and opportunity, cultural division, and a dangerous world in which American power seems increasingly incidental.

Evita : The Life of Eva Perón

Eva Peron remains Argentina’s best-known and most iconic personality, surpassing even sporting superstars such as Diego Maradona or Lionel Messi, and far outlasting her own husband, President Juan Domingo Peron himself a remarkable and charismatic political leader without whom she, as an uneducated woman in an elitist and male-dominated society, could not have existed as a political figure.