Kategória: Életrajzi regény

Szabó Magda: Für Elise

Nem kell külön kommentár ahhoz, miért lenyűgöző Szabó Magda stílusa újra és újra. Aki belekóstolt már legalább egy regényébe, az minden bizonnyal osztja ezt a nézetet. Lehengerlő családtörténet, benne külön saját maga és fogadott testvére, Cili sorsának alakulásával.

Booton Herndon: A fegyvertelen katona : Desmond Doss igaz története

Számos történet, újságcikk és dokumentumfilm mellett Mel Gibson rendezésében egy egészestés mozi is megörökíti az első olyan amerikai katona történetét, aki a fegyverviselést lelkiismereti okokból megtagadóként kiérdemelte a legmagasabb katonai kitüntetést, a Becsület Érdemérmet. Desmond Doss története azonban jóval több annál, mint amennyit a róla készült A fegyvertelen katona megmutat.

Anne Frank naplója

Tinédzser koromban többször elolvastam ezt a kötetet. Meghatódva faltam az oldalakat, sokat keseregtem amiatt, hogy mindez nem is olyan rég megtörténhetett. Sokszor alig láttam a betűket, a szűnni nem akaró szivárgó könnyek áradatától. A sanyarú sorsú Anne naplója, valódi bepillantást adott a háborús események hadszínteréről éppúgy, mint a 13 éves mimózalelkű zsidó kislány hétköznapjairól.

My Decade at Old Sun, My Lifetime of Hell

Arthur Bear Chief suffered both sexual and psychological abuse during his time at Old Sun Residential school in Gleichen on the Siksika Nation. My Decade at Old Sun, My Lifetime of Hell is a of chronological vignettes that depict the punishment, cruelty, and injustice that Arthur endured at Old Sun and then later relived in the traumatic process of retelling his story in connection with a complicated claims procedure. Late in life, after working for both the provincial and federal government, Arthur returned home to Gleichen. It was there that he began to reconnect with Blackfoot language and culture and to write his story.

Travels of a Country Woman

The former Lera Margaret Ussery, born in post-Victorian Tennessee, began her colorful adventures in 1896. Travels of a Country Woman, begins with the family’s emergence from the Depression, initially by way of a trip from Columbia, Tennessee, to the Chicago World’s Fair in 1933. They traveled by “Elizabeth T,” the family Model T Ford and Lera wrote articles about the “Flivver” trip for the Nashville Banner.

Austerity baby

Austerity Baby might best be described as an ‘oblique memoir’. Janet Wolff’s fascinating volume is a family history – but one that is digressive and consistently surprising. The central underlying and repeated themes of the book are exile and displacement; lives (and deaths) during the Third Reich; mother-daughter and sibling relationships; the generational transmission of trauma and experience; transatlantic reflections; and the struggle for creative expression. Stories mobilised, and people encountered, in the course of the narrative include: the internment of aliens in Britain during the Second World War; cultural life in Rochester, New York, in the 1920s; the social and personal meanings of colour(s); the industrialist and philanthropist, Henry Simon of Manchester, including his relationship with the Norwegian explorer, Fridtjof Nansen; the liberal British campaigner and MP of the 1940s, Eleanor Rathbone; reflections on the lives and images of spinsters.

The Death of Conrad Unger: Some Conjectures Regarding Parasitosis and Associated Suicide Behavior

The death by suicide of Gary J Shipley’s close friend, Conrad Unger (writer, theorist and amateur entomologist), has prompted him to confront not only the cold machinery of self-erasure, but also its connections to the literary life and notions surrounding psychological bewitchment, to revaluate in both fictional and entomological terms just what it is that drives writers like Unger to take their own lives as a matter of course, as if that end had been there all along, knowing, waiting. Like Gérard de Nerval, David Foster Wallace, Ann Quin and Virginia Woolf before him, Unger was not merely a writer who chose to end his life, but a writer whose work appeared forged from the knowledge of that event’s temporary postponement.

Plankton Dreams: What I Learned in Special-Ed

In Plankton Dreams,Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay crafts a proud, satiric style: the special ed student as literary troublemaker. ‘Mother had always taught me to learn from circumstance,’ he writes. ‘Here, the circumstance was humiliation, a particularly instructive teacher.’ ‘But I’m not complaining,’ he continues. ‘Humiliation, after all, made me a philosopher.’For all of its comic effects, the book alerts readers to an alternative understanding of autism, an understanding that autistics themselves have been promoting for years.

Livia : First Lady of Imperial Rome

Livia (58 B.C. – A.D. 29) the wife of the first Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, and mother of the second, Tiberius wielded power at the center of Roman politics for most of her long life. Livia has been portrayed as a cunning and sinister schemer, but in this biography (the first in English devoted to her) Livia emerges as a much more complex individual. Achieving influence unprecedented for a woman, she won support and even affection from her contemporaries and was widely revered after her death.