Kategória: E-books

Empire Girls: the colonial heroine comes of age

Empire Girls: the colonial heroine comes of age is a critical examination of three novels by writers from different regions of the British Empire: Olive Schreiner’s The Story of An African Farm (South Africa), Sara Jeannette Duncan’s A Daughter of Today (Canada) and Henry Handel Richardson’s The Getting of Wisdom (Australia). All three novels commence as conventional Bildungsromane, yet the plots of all diverge from the usual narrative structure, as a result of both their colonial origins and the clash between their aspirational heroines and the plots available to them. In an analysis including gender, empire, nation and race, Empire Girls provides new critical perspectives on the ways in which this dominant narrative form performs very differently when taken out of its metropolitan setting.

Keys to Play: Music as a Ludic Medium from Apollo to Nintendo

How do keyboards make music playable? Drawing on theories of media, systems, and cultural techniques, Keys to Play spans Greek myth and contemporary Japanese digital games to chart a genealogy of musical play and its animation via improvisation, performance, and recreation. As a paradigmatic digital interface, the keyboard forms a field of play on which the book’s diverse objects of inquiry-from clavichords to PCs and eighteenth-century musical dice games to the latest rhythm-action titles-enter into analogical relations. Remapping the keyboard’s topography by way of Mozart and Super Mario, who head an expansive cast of historical and virtual actors, Keys to Play invites readers to unlock ludic dimensions of music that are at once old and new.

Law, Privacy and Surveillance in Canada in the Post-Snowden Era

Years of surveillance-related leaks from US whistleblower Edward Snowden have fuelled an international debate on privacy, spying, and Internet surveillance. Much of the focus has centered on the role of the US National Security Agency, yet there is an important Canadian side to the story. The Communications Security Establishment, the Canadian counterpart to the NSA, has played an active role in surveillance activities both at home and abroad, raising a host of challenging legal and policy questions. With contributions by leading experts in the field, Law, Privacy and Surveillance in Canada in the Post-Snowden Era is the right book at the right time: From the effectiveness of accountability and oversight programs to the legal issues raised by metadata collection to the privacy challenges surrounding new technologies, this book explores current issues torn from the headlines with a uniquely Canadian perspective.

Playful Identities: The Ludification of Digital Media Cultures

In Playful Identities, eighteen scholars examine the increasing role of digital media technologies in identity construction through play. Going beyond computer games, this interdisciplinary collection argues that present-day play and games are not only appropriate metaphors for capturing postmodern human identities, but are in fact the means by which people create their identity. From discussions of World of Warcraft and Foursquare to digital cartographies, the combined essays form a groundbreaking volume that features the most recent insights in play and game studies, media research, and identity studies.

Tagebuch aus dem Siebenjährigen Krieg

In abgewichener Nacht frühe gegen 5 Uhr haben die Franz[osen] von Göttingen Besitz genommen. Es sollen 250 Mann seyn, welche d[en] H[err]n Major van der Märsch, ein feiner Mann, zum commandanten haben. In dem gestrigen Scharmützel ist d[em] H[err]n Maj[or] Friedrichs das Pferd todt geschossen, und er gefangen. Abends gegen 7 Uhr sind die Herren Grafen von Schwerin und v[on] Münch, desg[leichen] verschiedene andere Bursche, unter welchen d[er] H[err] von Biederitz, von dem Jacobithurm durch Franz[osen] herunter geholet, jedoch nach Ankunft des Commandanten auf dem Jacobi-Kirchhofe sogleich wieder loßgelassen worden.

The Death of Conrad Unger: Some Conjectures Regarding Parasitosis and Associated Suicide Behavior

The death by suicide of Gary J Shipley’s close friend, Conrad Unger (writer, theorist and amateur entomologist), has prompted him to confront not only the cold machinery of self-erasure, but also its connections to the literary life and notions surrounding psychological bewitchment, to revaluate in both fictional and entomological terms just what it is that drives writers like Unger to take their own lives as a matter of course, as if that end had been there all along, knowing, waiting. Like Gérard de Nerval, David Foster Wallace, Ann Quin and Virginia Woolf before him, Unger was not merely a writer who chose to end his life, but a writer whose work appeared forged from the knowledge of that event’s temporary postponement.

Game-day Gangsters : Crime and Deviance in Canadian Football

In the complicated interaction between sport and law, much is revealed about the perception and understanding of consent and tolerable deviance. When a football player steps onto the field, what deviations from the rules of the game are considered acceptable? And what risks has the player already accepted by voluntarily participating in the sport? In the case of Canadian football, acts of on-field violence, hazing, and performance-enhancing drug use that would be considered criminal outside the context of sport are tolerated and even promoted by team and league administrators.

L’art de la caricature

Cet ouvrage aborde la question de la caricature, longtemps tenue pour un art mineur, à partir d’approches qui en ont renouvelé l’étude. Il réunit des contributions d’historiens de l’art et de littéraires venus d’horizons divers, depuis Montréal et New York jusqu’à Vienne, en passant par Dijon, Strasbourg et Paris. Il s’efforce d’en apprécier autant la portée expérimentale et novatrice, tout à la fois pratique et théorique, que l’engagement politique, social et polémique, et les implications esthétiques. Cet art moderne et graphique qui a recours au rire comme à une arme procède d’une anthropologie de l’image associée à l’histoire du corps et des émotions.

Suite On Spiritus Silvestre: For Symphony

Carbon dioxide. This small book aims to open a door. It is an experiment in thinking about an object made extremely familiar to many people across the world in recent years through science, the news, governments, and public discourses. One of the first names given to carbon dioxide was spiritus silvestre or wild spirit, a moniker that has fallen out of favor. This experiment is a chance to hold what we think we know about this object in our hand and ponder our own knowledge for a while by looking at it in one particular historical context long after more modern names became familiar.

One Step Over the Line : Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests

This eclectic and carefully organized range of essays is the first collection of comparative and transnational work on women in the Canadian and U.S. Wests. It explores, expands, and advances the aspects of women’s history of the borderlands. A must read for those who have been searching for a wide, inclusive perspective on our western past.