Kategória: E-books

Witchcraft continued : Popular magic in modern Europe

Witchcraft continued provides an important collection of essays on the nature and understanding of witchcraft and magic in European society over the last two centuries. It innovatively brings together the interests of historians in nineteenth-century witchcraft and the twentieth-century fieldwork of anthropologists and sociologists on the continued relevance of witch beliefs.

Hear Him Roar

A cougar attacks a jogger in the suburbs of a western city. Charlie Sayers, facing retirement as a wildlife biologist at a downsized state agency, is drawn into the search for the lion. He gets caught up in the conflict between wildlife habitat and an increasingly developed environment as, teetering between crisis and farce, he tries to piece together the puzzle of his own life.

Breaking Japanese Diplomatic Codes : David Sissons and D Special Section during the Second World War

During the Second World War, Australia maintained a super-secret organisation, the Diplomatic (or `D’) Special Section, dedicated to breaking Japanese diplomatic codes. The Section has remained officially secret as successive Australian Governments have consistently refused to admit that Australia ever intercepted diplomatic communications, even in war-time. This book recounts the history of the Special Section and describes its code-breaking activities.

Experiencing Jazz : A Listener’s Companion

In Experiencing Jazz: A Listener’s Companion, writer, teacher, and renowned jazz drummer Michael Stephans offers a much-needed survey in the art of listening to and enjoying this dynamic, ever-changing art form. More than mere entertainment, jazz provides a pleasurable and sometimes dizzying listening experience with an extensive range in structure and form, from the syncopated swing of big bands to the musical experimentalism of small combos.

Heart of Darkness : Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe

Heart of Darkness describes the incredible saga of humankind’s quest to unravel the deepest secrets of the universe. Over the past thirty years, scientists have learned that two little-understood components–dark matter and dark energy–comprise most of the known cosmos, explain the growth of all cosmic structure, and hold the key to the universe’s fate. The story of how evidence for the so-called’Lambda-Cold Dark Matter’model of cosmology has been gathered by generations of scientists throughout the world is told here by one of the pioneers of the field, Jeremiah Ostriker, and his coauthor Simon Mitton.

Before We Are Born: Essentials Of Embryology And Birth Defects

As the study of embryology continues to be integrated with a range of disciplines, Before We Are Born remains the ideal solution for students who need to quickly learn the basics. Fully updated by the world’s foremost embryologists, this medical reference book provides concise guidance on human embryology at every stage of development, utilizing rich illustrations and photographs designed to further explain content.

Bosnyák Sándor: Magyar Biblia – A világ teremtése, az özönvíz, Jézus élete s a világ vége napjaink szájhagyományában

A szerző az ötvenes évek végétől gyűjtötte a teremtéstől a jövendölésekig ívelő folklórszövegeket. A gazdag és sokrétű kötet a szakma számára forrásértékű szövegeket, az érdeklődő közönség számára élvezetes, nem ritkán irodalmi értékkel is bíró hiedelemtörténeteket tartalmaz a nyelvjárásnak megfelelő lejegyzésben.

Németh István: Műtárgyak a boncteremben – Tanulmányok az orvoslás és a képzőművészet tárgyköréből

Németh István immár több mint húsz éve publikál rendszeresen a Lege Artis Medicinae (LAM) orvostudományi folyóirat kulturális rovatában különböző képzőművészeti és kultúrtörténeti témákat érintő tanulmányokat, amelyeknek orvostörténeti vonatkozása is van. 22 írása található meg ebben a kötetben, olvashatunk például az orvos-festő Szent Lukácstól, Frida Kahlo életéről és művészetéről, a pestisről és a tyúkszemkezelésről valamint a szerelmi betegségről is.