Cimke: Popular culture

Man-Eating Monsters : Anthropocentrism and Popular Culture

What role do man-eating monsters – vampires, zombies, werewolves and cannibals – play in contemporary culture? This book explores the question of whether recent representations of humans as food in popular culture characterizes a unique moment in Western cultural history and suggests a new set of attitudes toward people, monsters, animals, and death. This volume analyzes how previous epochs represented man-eating monsters and cannibalism.

Egyptomaniacs : How We Became Obsessed with Ancient Epypt

In Egyptomaniacs: How We Became Obsessed With Ancient Egypt, Egyptologist Dr. Nicky Nielsen examines the popular view of Egypt as an exotic, esoteric, mystical culture obsessed with death and overflowing with mummies and pyramids. The book traces our obsession with ancient Egypt throughout history and methodically investigates, explains, and strips away some of the most popular misconceptions about the Pharaohs and their civilization.

Who Needs Books? : Reading in the Digital Age

„We look around and feel as if book culture as we know it is crumbling to dust, but there’s one important thing to keep in mind: as we know it.” What happens if we separate the idea of’the book’from the experience it has traditionally provided? Lynn Coady challenges booklovers addicted to the physical book to confront their darkest fears about the digital world and the future of reading. Is the all-pervasive internet turning readers into web-surfing automatons and books themselves into museum pieces? The bogeyman of technological change has haunted humans ever since Plato warned about the dangers of the written word, and every generation is convinced its youth will bring about the end of civilization.

Sportdiktatur : Bewegungskulturen im nationalsozialistischen Österreich

Primäre Intention des Buches ist die Reduktion des enormen österreichischen Forschungsdefizit zur Aufarbeitung des Sportlebens unter dem NS-Regime. Daher wird der gesamte Bereich des Sportes im Territiorium Österreichs zwischen 1938 und 1945 dargestellt: Der Breiten- und Spitzensport, Massen- und Minderheitensport, den Vereins- und Jugendsport sowie der Sport der Formationen. Auf Grund der Materialfülle wird die Überblicksdarstellung von einer Detailanalyse zu drei Zeitpunkten begleitet: In den Monaten nach dem „Anschluss”, rund um den Kriegsbeginn und in der Endphase des Regimes nach Stalingrad.

Everybody’s Jane : Austen in the Popular Imagination

The first book to investigate Jane Austen’s popular significance today, Everybody’s Jane considers why Austen matters to amateur readers, how they make use of her novels, what they gain from visiting places associated with her, and why they create works of fiction and nonfiction inspired by her novels and life.