Kategória: E-books

An Open Book : What and How Young Children Learn From Picture and Story Books

Looking at and listening to picture and story books is a ubiquitous activity, enjoyed by many young children and their parents. Well before children can read for themselves they are able to learn from books. Looking at and listening to books increases children’s general knowledge, understanding about the world and promotes language acquisition. Capitalising on children’s natural love of books, recent research indicates that both socio-pragmatic and cognitive mechanisms underlie what and how young children benefit from looking at and listening to picture and story books.

Between Stage and Screen: Ingmar Bergman Directs

Ingmar Bergman is worldwide known as a film and stage director. Yet no-one has attempted to compare his stage and screen activities. In Between stage and screen Egil Törnqvist examines formal and thematical correspondences and differences between a number of Bergman’s stage, screen, and radio productions. In the prologue Bergman’s spiritual and aesthetic heritage and his position in the twentieth century media landscape is outlined. In the epilogue the question is answered to what extent one can speak of Bergman’s directorial ‘method’ irrespective of the chosen medium.

Sportdiktatur : Bewegungskulturen im nationalsozialistischen Österreich

Primäre Intention des Buches ist die Reduktion des enormen österreichischen Forschungsdefizit zur Aufarbeitung des Sportlebens unter dem NS-Regime. Daher wird der gesamte Bereich des Sportes im Territiorium Österreichs zwischen 1938 und 1945 dargestellt: Der Breiten- und Spitzensport, Massen- und Minderheitensport, den Vereins- und Jugendsport sowie der Sport der Formationen. Auf Grund der Materialfülle wird die Überblicksdarstellung von einer Detailanalyse zu drei Zeitpunkten begleitet: In den Monaten nach dem „Anschluss”, rund um den Kriegsbeginn und in der Endphase des Regimes nach Stalingrad.

Le cuisinier nostalgique : Entre restaurant et cantine

Mondialement reconnue pour sa gastronomie, la France est aussi le pays des cantines… dont les opérateurs occupent une position dominante sur les principaux marchés internationaux. Sur notre territoire, ils se hissent au premier rang des employeurs de cuisiniers, avant les restaurants. Ils offrent des conditions de travail relativement satisfaisantes et leurs contraintes d’activité impliquent plutôt une maîtrise ou un élargissement des compétences traditionnelles de la restauration.

My Decade at Old Sun, My Lifetime of Hell

Arthur Bear Chief suffered both sexual and psychological abuse during his time at Old Sun Residential school in Gleichen on the Siksika Nation. My Decade at Old Sun, My Lifetime of Hell is a of chronological vignettes that depict the punishment, cruelty, and injustice that Arthur endured at Old Sun and then later relived in the traumatic process of retelling his story in connection with a complicated claims procedure. Late in life, after working for both the provincial and federal government, Arthur returned home to Gleichen. It was there that he began to reconnect with Blackfoot language and culture and to write his story.

Les messagers volants en terre d’Islam

Le pigeon voyageur a joué un rôle primordial en terre d’Islam dès le début du califat abbasside (fin du VIIIe siècle). Des vallées du Tigre et de l’Euphrate qui en furent sans doute le berceau, il gagna l’Orient comme l’Occident (Andalus et Sicile). Mais nul État ne lui attacha plus de prix que celui des Mamelouks qui couvrit l’Empire d’un dense réseau de colombiers, des rives de l’Euphrate en Syrie du Nord au bord de la mer Rouge en Égypte.

Taste – Power – Tradition – Geographical Indications as Cultural Property

The idea of origin in terms of space and culture as a special indicator of quality is one of the most influential strands in contemporary food. It impacts on politics, economics and everyday life – and it connects these fields with complex relations of power and culture. With geographical indications, the EU offers an instrument which allows for the declaration of specialties, qualified by their tradition, as typical for a defined area. The declaration serves to protect these products as intellectual and collective property and presents them as culinary heritage, thereby enabling sale at an added value. Accordingly, the EU instrument of geographical indications evokes the interests of a variety of disciplines, such as (agricultural) economics, (social) geography, sociology, anthropology and law. Nonetheless, dialogue and cooperation among the disciplines are quite rare.

Himalayan Dreaming : Australian mountaineering in the great ranges of Asia, 1922-1990

How did climbers from the world’s flattest, hottest continent become world-class Himalayan mountaineers, the equal of any elite mountaineer from countries with long climbing traditions and home ranges that make Australia’s highest summit look like a suburban hill? This book tells the story of Australian mountaineering in the great ranges of Asia, from the exploits of a brash, young colonial with an early British Himalayan expedition in the 1920s to the coming of age of Australian climbers in the 1980s. The story goes beyond the two remarkable Australian ascents of Mt Everest in 1984 and 1988 to explore the exploits of Australian climbers in the far-flung corners of the high Himalaya.

Ten Journeys to Cameron’s Farm : An Australian Tragedy

Three decades after what he called ‘a dreadful air crash, almost within sight of my windows’ Robert Menzies wrote ‘I shall never forget that terrible hour; I felt that for me the end of the world had come…’ Ten Journeys to Cameron’s Farm tells the lives of the ten men who perished in Duncan Cameron’s Canberra property on 13 August 1940: three Cabinet ministers, the Chief of the General Staff, two senior staff members, and the RAAF crew of four. The inquiries into the accident, and the aftermath for the Air Force, government, and bereaved families are examined.