Kategória: Könyvtárosok ajánlásával

Game-day Gangsters : Crime and Deviance in Canadian Football

In the complicated interaction between sport and law, much is revealed about the perception and understanding of consent and tolerable deviance. When a football player steps onto the field, what deviations from the rules of the game are considered acceptable? And what risks has the player already accepted by voluntarily participating in the sport? In the case of Canadian football, acts of on-field violence, hazing, and performance-enhancing drug use that would be considered criminal outside the context of sport are tolerated and even promoted by team and league administrators.

L’art de la caricature

Cet ouvrage aborde la question de la caricature, longtemps tenue pour un art mineur, à partir d’approches qui en ont renouvelé l’étude. Il réunit des contributions d’historiens de l’art et de littéraires venus d’horizons divers, depuis Montréal et New York jusqu’à Vienne, en passant par Dijon, Strasbourg et Paris. Il s’efforce d’en apprécier autant la portée expérimentale et novatrice, tout à la fois pratique et théorique, que l’engagement politique, social et polémique, et les implications esthétiques. Cet art moderne et graphique qui a recours au rire comme à une arme procède d’une anthropologie de l’image associée à l’histoire du corps et des émotions.

Suite On Spiritus Silvestre: For Symphony

Carbon dioxide. This small book aims to open a door. It is an experiment in thinking about an object made extremely familiar to many people across the world in recent years through science, the news, governments, and public discourses. One of the first names given to carbon dioxide was spiritus silvestre or wild spirit, a moniker that has fallen out of favor. This experiment is a chance to hold what we think we know about this object in our hand and ponder our own knowledge for a while by looking at it in one particular historical context long after more modern names became familiar.

One Step Over the Line : Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests

This eclectic and carefully organized range of essays is the first collection of comparative and transnational work on women in the Canadian and U.S. Wests. It explores, expands, and advances the aspects of women’s history of the borderlands. A must read for those who have been searching for a wide, inclusive perspective on our western past.

Josephinische Mandarine : Bürokratie und Beamte in Österreich 1848 -1914

In diesem Buch werden die Institution Bürokratie und die personelle Gruppe der Beamten in Österreich (Cisleithanien) in ihrer Wechselwirkung zwischen 1848 bis 1914 untersucht: Im Zentrum stehen der bürokratische Apparat, nationale und politische Identitäten sowie Loyalitäten der Beamten, die Alltagskultur im Amts- und Privatleben, Fragen der neu eintretenden Frauen, sowie des Selbstbildes und des Fremdbildes der Beamten.

The Afterlife of Genre: Remnants of the Trauerspiel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

California and television, as it were, conspire in a vampirologic: the forever-young is what has been there the longest, what really “takes us back.” And so we also will take ourselves back: to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, already almost charmingly quaint, and Walter Benjamin’s magnum opus The Origin of the German Mourning-Play. What can come of this improbable conjunction? It will not seem too strange that Benjamin, posthumous wanderer across the textures of Americana, should again take up lodging at the Hotel California. But more is at stake than just another hapless visitation from the on high of high theory: reading Buffy as the remediated afterlife of the dead-on-arrival genre of the baroque German mourning play, Adler’s book records the first broken, awkward steps toward a project that, with the recent rise of “quality television,” seems more urgent than ever before: a political-theological characteristic of the television series.

Plankton Dreams: What I Learned in Special-Ed

In Plankton Dreams,Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay crafts a proud, satiric style: the special ed student as literary troublemaker. ‘Mother had always taught me to learn from circumstance,’ he writes. ‘Here, the circumstance was humiliation, a particularly instructive teacher.’ ‘But I’m not complaining,’ he continues. ‘Humiliation, after all, made me a philosopher.’For all of its comic effects, the book alerts readers to an alternative understanding of autism, an understanding that autistics themselves have been promoting for years.

More Than a Game : The Computer Game As Fictional Form

The first academic work dedicated to the study of computer games in terms of the stories they tell and the manner of their telling. Applies practices of reading texts from literary and cultural studies to consider the computer game as an emerging mode of contemporary storytelling in an accessible, readable manner. Contains detailed discussion of narrative and realism in four of the most significant games of the last decade:’Tomb Raider’,’Half-Life’,’Close Combat’and’Sim City’.

A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of Central and Southern Sinai

After publishing A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of the Northern Sinai Littoral: Bridging the Linguistic Gap between the Eastern and Western Arab World (Brill:2000), Rudolf de Jong completes his description of the Bedouin dialects of the Sinai Desert of Egypt by adding the present volume.

Antarctica: Music, sounds and cultural connections

From 2011 until 2014, Australia marked its long-standing connection with Antarctica by celebrating the centenary of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition. The icy continent, with its extremes of climate and environment and unique soundscapes, offers great potential for creative achievements in the world of music and sound. This book demonstrates the intellectual and creative engagement of artists, musicians, scientists and writers.