Cimke: Jane Austen

Jane Austen, Game Theorist

How the works of Jane Austen show that game theory is present in all human behaviorGame theory—the study of how people make choices while interacting with others—is one of the most popular technical approaches in social science today. But as Michael Chwe reveals in his insightful new book, Jane Austen explored game theory’s core ideas in her six novels roughly two hundred years ago—over a century before its mathematical development during the Cold War. Jane Austen, Game Theorist shows how this beloved writer theorized choice and preferences, prized strategic thinking, and analyzed why superiors are often strategically clueless about inferiors. Exploring a diverse range of literature and folktales, this book illustrates the wide relevance of game theory and how, fundamentally, we are all strategic thinkers.

Jane Austen: Meggyőző érvek

Volt kamaszkoromban egy komolyabb Austen korszakom, amikor emlékeim szerint minden könyvét elolvastam, de ebből semmire sem emlékeztem. Nem egy ismert regény, lehet, hogy nem is olvastam anno, vagy csak nem voltam elég érett, hogy értsem. Most nagyon tetszett Anne bölcsessége és gondolkodásmódja. Még mindig imádom Austen stílusát, a gyönyörű mondatait, tájleírásait, jellemeit.

Everybody’s Jane : Austen in the Popular Imagination

The first book to investigate Jane Austen’s popular significance today, Everybody’s Jane considers why Austen matters to amateur readers, how they make use of her novels, what they gain from visiting places associated with her, and why they create works of fiction and nonfiction inspired by her novels and life.