Kategória: E-books

The British Monarchy On Screen

Moving images of the British monarchy, in fact and fiction, are almost as old as the moving image itself, dating back to an 1895 American drama, The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots. British monarchs even appeared in the new ‘animated photography’ from 1896, led by Queen Victoria. Half a century later, the 1953 coronation of Elizabeth II was a milestone in the adoption of television, watched by 20 million Britons and 100 million North Americans. At the century’s end, Princess Diana’s funeral was viewed by 2.5 billion worldwide. In the first book-length examination of film and television representations of this enduring institution, distinguished scholars of media and political history analyse the screen representations of royalty from Henry VIII to ‘William and Kate’.

Les loteries royales dans l’Europe des Lumieres

Un « impôt sur les imbéciles », une « friponnerie », un « jeu cruel », un « fléau inventé par le despotisme »… Les hommes des Lumières n’avaient pas de mots assez durs pour dénoncer la loterie royale, une institution que tous les États européens ont mis sur pied au xviiie siècle. Les souverains encourageaient donc la passion du jeu, l’oisiveté, et captaient sans vergogne l’épargne de leurs sujets ? Faire croire que l’on gagne, tandis que l’on perd toujours, n’était-ce pas le propre d’un État corrompu ? Ou bien doit-on plutôt considérer la loterie royale comme un outil d’ingénierie financière, le fruit d’une nouvelle rationalité publique ?

Travels of a Country Woman

The former Lera Margaret Ussery, born in post-Victorian Tennessee, began her colorful adventures in 1896. Travels of a Country Woman, begins with the family’s emergence from the Depression, initially by way of a trip from Columbia, Tennessee, to the Chicago World’s Fair in 1933. They traveled by “Elizabeth T,” the family Model T Ford and Lera wrote articles about the “Flivver” trip for the Nashville Banner.

Karl Außerhofer – Das Kriegstagebuch eines Soldaten im Ersten Weltkrieg

Das Tagebuch des Karl Außerhofer berichtet vom Kriegseinsatz im Gebirgskrieg des Ersten Weltkrieges im Pustertal sowie an der Südfront. Es zeigt die Eigen- sowie Feindwahrnehmung Außerhofers, gibt emotionale Einblicke in seinen Kriegsdienst und das Leben seiner Familie, die von Hoffnungen auf eine bessere Zukunft geprägt sind. Beschreibungen zu Landschaft, Wetter, Essen, Freizeit, zu Kleidung, Hygiene, Unterkunft, zu Krankheit, Tod und zur Religion runden den sehr persönlichen Bericht ab.

Verdi in Victorian London

Now a byword for beauty, Verdi’s operas were far from universally acclaimed when they reached London in the second half of the nineteenth century. Why did some critics react so harshly? Who were they, and what biases and prejudices animated them? When did their antagonistic attitude change? And why did opera managers continue to produce Verdi’s works? Massimo Zicari’s Verdi in Victorian London reconstructs the reception of Verdi’s operas in London from 1844, when a first critical account was published in the pages of The Athenaeum, to 1901, when Verdi’s death received extensive tribute in The Musical Times.

100 Years of Chronogeometrodynamics : the Status of the Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation in Its Centennial Year

The present Editorial introduces the Special Issue dedicated by the journal Universe to the General Theory of Relativity, the beautiful theory of gravitation of Einstein, a century after its birth. It reviews some of its key features in a historical perspective, and, in welcoming distinguished researchers from all over the world to contribute it, some of the main topics at the forefront of the current research are outlined.

The Fairy Tale and Its Uses in Contemporary New Media and Popular Culture

Ever since the beginning of the 21st century, the fairy tale has not only become a staple of the small and silver screen around the globe, it has also migrated into new media, overwhelming audiences with imaginative and spectacular retellings along the way. Indeed, modern fairy-tale adaptations pervading contemporary popular culture drastically subvert, shatter, and alter the public’s understanding of the classic fairy tale. Because of the phenomenally increasing proliferation of fairy-tale transformations in today’s “old” and “new” media, we must reflect upon the significance of the fairy tale for society and its social uses in a nuanced fashion. How, why, and for whom have fairy-tale narratives, characters, and motifs metamorphosed in recent decades? What significant intermedial and intertextual relationships exist nowadays in connection with the fairy tale?

Austerity baby

Austerity Baby might best be described as an ‘oblique memoir’. Janet Wolff’s fascinating volume is a family history – but one that is digressive and consistently surprising. The central underlying and repeated themes of the book are exile and displacement; lives (and deaths) during the Third Reich; mother-daughter and sibling relationships; the generational transmission of trauma and experience; transatlantic reflections; and the struggle for creative expression. Stories mobilised, and people encountered, in the course of the narrative include: the internment of aliens in Britain during the Second World War; cultural life in Rochester, New York, in the 1920s; the social and personal meanings of colour(s); the industrialist and philanthropist, Henry Simon of Manchester, including his relationship with the Norwegian explorer, Fridtjof Nansen; the liberal British campaigner and MP of the 1940s, Eleanor Rathbone; reflections on the lives and images of spinsters.

Il libro de la cocina : Un ricettario tra Oriente e Occidente

Tutta la cucina europea, quindi anche il senese Libro de la cocina, è un prodotto della storia. Le sue origini sono da ricercare in parte in Italia e in parte in altre civiltà: esso propone infatti ricette della cucina toscana e altre attinte da un ricettario napoletano, il Liber de coquina, a sua volta punto di incontro della letteratura culinaria orientale con quella dell’Europa occidentale. Il Libro de la cocina (metà del Trecento) rivela tutta la ricchezza della cucina italiana medievale: cibi semplici o di elaborata preparazione, verdure, carni, pesci, dolci e ricette per malati. Molte delle circa 200 ricette hanno legami con piatti e testi orientali, francesi, inglesi e italiani, attestati in tempi precedenti e successivi. Un glossario critico chiarisce le ricette; vengono riportati inoltre passi paralleli di opere latine e volgari.

Friendly Rest Room : Developing Toilets of the Future for Disabled and Elderly People

This book addresses the topic of toilet design, but instead of focusing on the typical able bodied user, it takes the various needs and limited abilities of older and/or disabled people as its starting point (human centered design). This follows the principles of ‘Inclusive Design’: designs taking into account the needs of the most challenged, will also have benefits for the healthy. For the most part, this book is a spin-off of an EU-funded research and development project called the ‘Friendly Rest Room for Elderly People'(FFR), which ran from 2001 to 2005. During that period a consortium of 10 institutions in 7 European countries collaborated on the research, design and development of a friendlier toilet for elderly and disabled users.