Kategória: Napló, levelezés

Jane Austen’s Transatlantic Sister : The Life and Letters of Fanny Palmer Austen

In 1807, genteel, Bermuda-born Fanny Palmer (1789-1814) married Jane Austen’s youngest brother, Captain Charles Austen, and was thrust into a demanding life within the world of the British navy. Experiencing adventure and adversity in wartime conditions both at sea and onshore, the spirited and resilient Fanny travelled between and lived in Bermuda, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and England. After crossing the Atlantic in 1811, she ingeniously made a home for Charles and their daughters aboard a working naval vessel, and developed a supportive friendship with his sister, Jane.

Radnóti Miklósné Gyarmati Fanni: Napló 1935-1946 I-II

Radnóti Miklós feleségének, Gyarmati Fanninak naplója 12 éven át íródott, sokszor napi rendszerességgel, még 1935 januárjában kezdte el írni, és 1946 szeptemberében szakadt meg , amikor a meggyilkolt költőt eltemették Budapesten. Bepillantást nyerünk a házaspár torzsalkodásaiba, baráti összejövetelekre nyerünk betekintést, de a történelem alakulását is nyomon követhetjük, egyfajta korrajzot kapunk.

Anne Frank naplója

Tinédzser koromban többször elolvastam ezt a kötetet. Meghatódva faltam az oldalakat, sokat keseregtem amiatt, hogy mindez nem is olyan rég megtörténhetett. Sokszor alig láttam a betűket, a szűnni nem akaró szivárgó könnyek áradatától. A sanyarú sorsú Anne naplója, valódi bepillantást adott a háborús események hadszínteréről éppúgy, mint a 13 éves mimózalelkű zsidó kislány hétköznapjairól.

„My Own Portrait in Writing”: Self-Fashioning in the Letters of Vincent Van Gogh

In Grant’s earlier book, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh. A Critical Study (AU Press, 2014), he followed a practical-critical analysis of the letters that dealt with key patterns of metaphors and concepts. This volume is a complement to the first book and provides an effective, theory-based reading of the letters that brings them more fully and successfully into the domain of modern literary studies.

Karl Außerhofer – Das Kriegstagebuch eines Soldaten im Ersten Weltkrieg

Das Tagebuch des Karl Außerhofer berichtet vom Kriegseinsatz im Gebirgskrieg des Ersten Weltkrieges im Pustertal sowie an der Südfront. Es zeigt die Eigen- sowie Feindwahrnehmung Außerhofers, gibt emotionale Einblicke in seinen Kriegsdienst und das Leben seiner Familie, die von Hoffnungen auf eine bessere Zukunft geprägt sind. Beschreibungen zu Landschaft, Wetter, Essen, Freizeit, zu Kleidung, Hygiene, Unterkunft, zu Krankheit, Tod und zur Religion runden den sehr persönlichen Bericht ab.

Selected Letters of Charlotte Brontë

These letters give an insight into the life of a writer whose novels continue to be bestsellers. They reveal much about Charlotte Brontë’s personal life, her family relationships, and the society in which she lived. Many of her early letters are written with vigour, vivacity, and an engaging aptitude for self-mockery. In contrast, her letters to her’master’, the Belgian schoolteacher Constantin Heger, reveal her intense, obsessive longing for some response from him. Other letters are deeply moving, when Charlotte endures the agony of her brother’s and sisters’untimely deaths. We learn also of the progress of her writing, including the astonishing success of Jane Eyre, and of her contacts with her publishers, including the young George Smith; and we recognize in her letters the life-experiences which are transmuted into the art of her novels.

Letters From the Governor’s Wife : A View of Russian Alaska, 1859-1862

When Johan Furuhjelm was offered the governorship of Russian America in 1858, the 37-year-old Finnish officer found himself in a quandary. He needed a wife to support him in the new post, with its mix of mercantile and administrative responsibilities, and there were no suitable candidates in the remote Siberian port where he was harbourmaster. Fortunately, on his trip back west to receive his orders, Helsinki society came to his aid, choosing for him a young woman of good family and international background, Anna von Schoultz.